Community Fund: Safeguarding


Download the document: Safeguarding(this is a Word document)

Your Safeguarding Policy should include

  1. Groups working with children or vulnerable adults must have a safeguarding policy. We will request you to send us your policy, this is part of the due diligence process and will determine if you are shortlisted or not.
  2. You can get help from your local CVS or online sites such as the NSPCC.
  3. We look for the following in your safeguarding policy:
  • Definitions of abuse and signs of abuse and reporting procedure in case of disclosure
  • The name of the person responsible for child protection
  • All staff, volunteers and trustees that are working directly with vulnerable adults and/or children have had the appropriate checks
  • It is good practice for all staff, volunteers and trustees who do not work directly with children and young people should also be trained on safeguarding
  • Risk assessments should be carried out to ensure children and young people in their care are safe
  • A description of how abuse can be different for adults (in a Vulnerable Adults Policy)
  • Needs to show a date and review date (yearly)