The original Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy (JMWMS) published in 2005 has been updated and is designed to bring the Strategy in line with subsequent changes in legislation, policy and performance. The original aims and objectives have been retained as have all key policies and targets. New commitments and recommendations have been added to the Strategy in the light of good practice, an analysis of the sustainability of the Strategy and recent development.
In terms of roles and responsibilities regarding waste management, Merseyside’s District Councils have ratified District Action Plans (DCAPs) to demonstrate how they will contribute to the achievement of the JMWMS targets on waste minimisation, reuse and recycling. These DCAPs will provide Merseyside with a clear route forward for continuing the progress made on reducing the amount of waste landfilled.
The Merseyside Waste Partnership (MRWA and the five District Councils) has recently expanded to include Halton Borough Council, which has a separate but aligned Strategy and both are working together in key areas such as procuring the use of residual waste recovery infrastructure.
A key supplementary report of the JMWMS is the Waste Prevention Strategy, which explains the measures the Merseyside and Halton Waste Partnership will adopt to tackle waste arisings in the region. The aim of the Waste Prevention Strategy is to reduce municipal waste arisings in Merseyside through a comprehensive, innovative and sustained programme of waste prevention activities.
Appendices 2-6 contain the original DCAPs on which the Sustainability Appraisals were conducted. Since then, Districts may have updated their DCAPs and latest versions should be available on their websites.
The main documents and supporting appendices are in PDF format:
Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy for Merseyside 2008
JMWMS Supplementary Report One: Waste Prevention Strategy for Merseyside 2008
JMWMS Supplementary Report Two: Legislation and Policy
JMWMS Supplementary Report Three: Data and Projections
JMWMS Supplementary Report Four: Partnership Information
JMWMS Supplementary Report Five: Service Delivery Arrangements
JMWMS Supplementary Report Six: Waste Arising Study
Appendix One: JMWMS Sustainability Appraisal
Appendix Two: Knowsley District Council Action Plan
Appendix Three: Liverpool District Council Action Plan
Appendix Four: St. Helens District Council Action Plan
Appendix Five: Sefton MBC District Council Action Plan
Appendix Six: Wirral MBC District Council Action Plan
Appendix Seven: Knowsley MBC Sustainability Appraisal of District Council Action Plan
Appendix Eight: Liverpool Council Sustainability Appraisal of District Council Action Plan
Appendix Nine: St.Helens MBC Sustainability Appraisal of District Council Action Plan
Appendix Ten: Sefton MBC Sustainability Appraisal of District Council Action Plan
Appendix Eleven: Wirral MBC Sustainability Appraisal of District Council Action Plan